Community Services

Community Nursing
Community nurses provide nursing treatments and advice to the housebound and patients recently discharged from hospital. GP practices cannot directly request a District Nurse to visit a patient. Instead they are required to make a referral via the SPA referral system which is run by SIRONA. SIRONA will then advise if they can add the pateint to their case load for home visits.
They can be contacted on 01275 335657
Community Midwives
The midwives work with the doctors to provide care for mothers before and after delivery and care for the baby in the first fortnight of life, and can be contacted on 01275 335687
Health Visitors
Health Visitors work mostly with young children and the elderly.
If you have any worries about your child’s health or development please contact your Health Visitor. They can be contacted on 01934 533300
If you care for a sick relative, child, friend or neighbour please let us know. We can offer you support and information.