Coronavirus Information
Covid Vaccination Clinics
Update 1 July 2021 - Our clinics at the Rugby Club and at Harbourside Family Practice have now finished
1st doses for patients aged 18-40
In response to the accelerating spread of the more transmittable Delta variant of Coronavirus, we urge you to get vaccinated if you have not already done so.
There are still a significant number of adult patients who have not come forward to book their first vaccination.
The science is clear that vaccination is necessary to curtail the spread of the virus and the restrictions placed upon our lives.
If you are aged 18 or over and you haven’t yet had your vaccination, you will now have to contact 119 or the Government website to book as there are no more clinics being delivered by our practice at the current time.
Any patients aged 40 or over who have not yet take up the option of a vaccine or who did not attend for their 2nd dose of Astra Zeneca will now need to contact 119 of the Government website to arrange their vaccinations at one of the mass sites.
Any patients who missed their 2nd dose of Pfizer will also need to arrange this via the mass sites
Just over 83 % of all of our eligible patients have now received their first vaccine and 63 % their second.
97% of patients aged over 50 have had their first vaccine and 95% of those aged over 50 have had their 2nd dose.
Please bear with us as the situation often changes daily and we will issue updates as soon as we have any more information
Covid and The Practice
As the current lockdown restrictions are lifted, and an increasing proportion of our patients receive their vaccinations we have been working hard to try and open up more of the surgery to our patients in a safe and controlled manner. Our GP's, other than those with specific health issues, have now resumed seeing Covid free patients in their own rooms, however it is important that we still maintain appropriate social distancing measures and effective cleaning between patients to prevent transmission of infection to those who still remain vulnerable.
We have continued to see patients throughout the pandemic, but initial contact via phone or e-consult ensures that patients do not come onto the site unnecessarily thus reducing their risk. The layout of our building is not conducive to social distancing and we need to ensure that we only have manageable numbers of patients in the corridor queue at any one time. We have now commenced a trial which allows patients to enter without using the intercom, however to ensure that we can maintain a safe environment we respectively request that you do not come to the surgery unless you have a booked appointment or have been asked to do so by practice staff or your GP.
Can we specifically ask that you do not put yourself at risk by coming into the building to drop off prescription requests or samples.
Please place all prescription requests in the post box in the door to the left of the main entrance and all samples in the collection tubs in the foyer.
As you will have seen in the media, current demand for GP services is greater than practices can accommodate. We are trying our very best to schedule in as many patients as we possibly can every day, and have amended our appointment system in the past couple of weeks to try to expand availability within the restrictions of our available resources.
For update to date goverment guidance on coronavirus vis
If you think you might have coronavirus or you’ve been in close contact with someone who has it visit NHS 111 online coronavirus service for advice.
Are you a Vulnerable Patient
Guidance on shielding and protecting extremely vulnerable people
How to get support for extremely critical vulnerable person
Advice for people at higher risk – those who are 70 or older, are pregnant or have a condition that increases the risks from coronavirus.
Mental Wellbeing During Covid-19
COVID-19 means we are all experiencing an unprecedented situation. Everyone reacts differently, and we will have periods where we find it more difficult to deal with. It’s okay not to feel okay. Talking to someone can often help.
Visit NHS Every Mind Matters for advice, practice advice and support groups.
If you cannot wait to see a doctor and feel unable to cope or keep yourself safe, it’s important to get support.
Do you have a Pre-Existing Condition?
Macmillan – Cancer & Covid-19
Asthma UK – What to do if you have asthma
Blood Cancer UK – Information for people affected by blood cancer
Diabetes UK – Coronavirus & Diabetes
Kidney Care UK – Guidance for patients with chronic kidney disease