Patient Participation Group
The Aims of the Patient Participation Group
The practice has a Patient Participation Group. The aim of the group is to:
- Act as representatives of the patients to inform and influence the management of the practice
- To provide a focus for patients to channel ideas and suggestions
- To organise educational health events
- To collect information, discuss and offer the practice feedback on topics such as service quality, patient communication and services provided to patients.
The group is always looking for new members and if you would like to be involved with the Patient Participation Group then please ask at reception or click on the link opposite fill out the online form.
Patients can work with us as part of a formal group which meets 4 to 6 times per year, or they can become virtual members, where they receive the PPG newsletters and can provide valuable support in response to surveys and in providing comments.
Our current PPG Chair is Mrs Margaret Blackmore.